Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"Red, White & You" Events Planned!

It's never too late to support our wounded warriors by becoming a part of Road Warriors 2010, but this upcoming 4th of July weekend may very well be the most perfectly patriotic time to sign up and send a message to a wounded warrior! 
(photo: earlier this year, we set up a table so Pleasanton families could send Valentine's cards to our troops...we're doing it again!)

We are very excited about our two "Red, White and You!" events planned for Independence Day Weekend to get the word RW word out. As usual, we'll set up our info/sign up table, be waving Old Glory, passing out wounded warrior car magnets, bracelets, and homemade cookies. We'll also have cards and patriotic stickers ready for you to write a 4th of July card to go along with the quilt of valor I'm finishing up. 
My Quilt of Valor Is nearly finished.
If you are already logging miles for RW2010, stop by and let us know how it's going. And don't forget to tell your friends and neighbors to come and check us out. The US Department of Defense reports that since the year 2,000 we have 5,725 war wounded from conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. These veterans need and deserve our support, thanks and sweat equity. Road Warriors 2010 can't get the job done without people like you, that's why we are excited to put together...

Our "Red White and You" events 

Saturday July 3rd 9:30-1:30 pm
Sunday July 4th 11:30-2:30 pm
near Delucchi Park
in Pleasanton CA 

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