Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Day Of Thanksgiving

I just finished a letter to Gary Sinise and sent off our donation from the Truffles To Remember Our Troops event.  I sent in $278.60, most of it given in dollar bills from hearts that want to honor and remember the sacrifice of the bravest individuals in America.

What a blessing it was to meet the mothers with their children, husbands and wives, veterans, and grandpas who cared deeply about our multiple amputee veterans and wanted to help them out with a new home. Immediately.... When people heard about the mission of Gary Sinise they answered, "I want to give."

Thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth, who gave their hearts, their money, promises of prayers, hugs, and beautiful memories to me on my 60th birthday... I am so proud to know you!

Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone

Monday, November 7, 2011

November 19th Fundraiser To Build Homes for Vets

Remembering Our Troops

The Gary Sinise Foundation along with the Tunnel to Towers Foundation is raising money to build customized smart homes for America’s most severely injured veterans. The first home has already been built in Staten Island New York for Army Specialist Brendan Marrocco (below) who lost all four limbs in an IED attack while serving in Iraq in 2008. Another home is being built for US Marine Corporal Todd Nicely (above with Gary Sinise) who lost both arms and legs after stepping on an IED in Afghanistan. The goal of Tunnel to Towers is to continue building homes for all 38 of America's triple amputee veterans.

How To Help Build A Smart Home For Vets

Make a donation at

Learn more about Brendan’s home at

Donate at "Truffles to Remember Our Troops"
November 19th 
10 am - 2 pm 
Corner of Angela & Main Streets
(in front of Studio 7)
 Downtown Pleasanton

Army Specialist Brendan Morrocco
lost all four limbs while serving in Iraq.
Learn more about the building of his
smart home at

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Photo by Tim Hetherington.
Sergeant Tanner Stichter, Second Platoon, Battle Company, of the Second Battalion (Airborne), 503rd Infantry Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, in Afghanistan’s Korengal Valley.

Dave and I watched the Afghanistan war documentary Restrepo for the first time last night. Still thinking about it this am. Very heavy. Very emotional. Logged onto the movie website, learned more about the soldiers, Restrepo film makers Sebastian Junger and Tim Hetherington, and then ran into some very sad news. Tim Hetherington, photographer and war photo journalist was killed in April of 2011 while covering the war in Libya.

Tim Hetherington (December 5,1970-April 20, 2011)
I am deeply saddened by the loss of one of the men who gave the world, Restrepo.This morning I was reminded to continue to pray for the guys putting themselves on the line in ways that are unimaginable, even after you see "the real story' on film. The burden they carry while in war, does not dissipate after they leave the battle field. In reference to PTSD,  Restrepo soldiers said... "I can't sleep. The nightmares are constant."  "They are still trying to figure out what to do with people like us because we were out there so long."

This morning, I opened my Bible to II Corinthians (Chapter 1: 8-11). I couldn't believe that even today, the words I was reading seemed strangely so fitting to the story of bravery, fear, and hope documented in Restrepo. They reminded me what to do whenever I think about this horrible war and our nation's beloved warriors--our friends, brothers, nephews, fathers, sons and daughters.
We do not want you to be uninformed brothers, about the hardships we suffered in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life. In deed, in our hearts, we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves, but on God, who raises the dead. He has delivered us from such a deadly peril and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers. Then, many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.

More on the movie, the soldiers and Tim here

One of the Restrepo soldiers Brendan O'byrne has started a website and a community to help others battling PTSD (he suffered too but says he is OK now) so they "don't have to keep fighting alone". If you know of someone who needs help, here's the link. (He also tells you how to send a care package to guys still deployed. I love it!)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy New Year Update from Freedom Alliance

We received the most incredible thank you gift from Freedom Alliance this year...A signed copy of Lt. Col. Oliver North's new book "American Heroes in Special Operations"! 

This book is nearly impossible to put down once you start reading about the caliber of men who risk all for their fellow servicemen and the cause of freedom while fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Thank you Col. North for introducing America to these heroes and telling us their stories of incomprehensible dedication and bravery. The book includes hundreds of photos of the men, combat action, the desolate terrain they fight in, and tells the stories behind the medals that are awarded for sacrifice and valor in the most dangerous of combat situations.

It's a very emotional read, but I believe it is a MUST read for every American who values their freedom, wants to know more about what goes on "over there" and would like to learn the names and see the faces of what Oliver North calls our shadow warriors, our American Heroes in Special Ops. Here is an excerpt from the book, the first part of The US Navy Seal Creed:

"In times of war or uncertaintly, there is a special breed of warrior ready to answer our nation's call. A common man with uncommon desire to succeed. Forged by adversity, he stands alongside America's finest special operations forces to serve his country, the American people, and protect their way of life. I am that man."

Throughout the 11 months of our Road Warriors 2010 adventure, Freedom Alliance staff members Amy Amundson and Laurie Mooney Avila helped us every step of the way. They provided support materials and encouraging emails on a regular basis. In short, they were fantastic and we are so appreciative for their constant contact and help. We wanted you to know about these people behind the scenes who helped make our project so successful. Here is a quick email from Amy updating the results of your efforts. (The rest of the $10,000 raised went to Wounded Warrior Project).

Hi Candyce –

I wanted to wish you a Happy New Year and thank you again for your support and friendship.  Road Warriors raised a total of $2,712!!

You may already know this, but this year, with your help, we awarded more than $1 million in scholarships to a record breaking 225 students – all the deserving sons and daughters of American heroes.  We would not be able to do it without you – thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!

I hope you and David have a wonderful 2011!
