Welcome! As a part of Road Warriors 2010, your 100 mile run-walk-hike-bike adventure will benefit our nation's war wounded and their families.  Answers to these FAQs should help you get started with your fund raising efforts for our two 501(c)3 organizations, Wounded Warrior Project and Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund. 

What's the goal of Road Warriors 2010?
To raise money for our wounded vets and their families and have fun at the same time. Our goal is to accumulate 100 sponsored miles of run,walk,bike or hike--at your own pace--any time between Memorial Day and Veteran's Day 2010. This is an "open road" event, meaning you get to choose the road, path or trail anywhere in the USA. You choose the days and times to accumulate your 100 miles. You gather as many sponsors as possible to support your efforts by donating a "doable" 10 cents or as much as a "monster" 2 dollars a mile.

What do I do to get started?
2) Next, ask as many people as you can to sponsor you at pennies or dollars per mile. Then start logging miles anywhere you want--a park, on a backpack trip, a mountain bike ride, your daily walk around the block. 
3) You can verify your milage by using a Garmin type GPS (wrist watch style or the type you put on a bike), online tracking system like Map My Run/Ride, a pedometer, an odometer, race event course milage (10K etc), an Iphone app or park map which shows milage for trails. You log your last miles on D-Day--November 11, 2010--that's
Veterans Day. 
4) Collect your donations and mail them into WWP or FAScholarship Fund (addresses are on the sponsorship forms and at their official websites). The easiest way to make sure your donations are attributed to Road Warriors 2010 is to send them in with your sponsorship and mileage forms.

Where can I get/print out my sponsorship forms and mileage log?
Click here to download your forms. (takes you to a new website/window)

What charitable organizations are supported by ROAD WARRIORS 2010?
100% of the funds you raise will be donated to Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) and Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund.  Both have 501c3 status making all donations tax deductible. WWP works with severely injured service members to help them transition from active duty to civilian life. WWP started by providing soldier backpacks to hospitalized vets and now provides assistance through a wide variety of programs including Soldier Ride, a rehabilitative cycling program and Project Odyssey which combines outdoor adventure challenges with peer support to help the wounded recover from combat stress.The full scope of WWP programs is detailed at www.woundedwarriorproject.org.

Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund provides educational scholarships to the children of Armed Forces members who have sacrificed life or limb defending our country. You can read a scholarship report and meet some of the students at www.freedomalliance.org.

Do I/others have to raise money for both organizations?

No, it's your choice. You may raise funds for WWP and/or FA. All you have to do is use the appropriate sponsorship form which to designate your choice.

When and where do I log my 100 miles?
Log miles any time between Memorial Day and Veterans' Day, anywhere you find a road, trail or path, it's all up to you. Log regular training miles or make a dedicated trip to a city, state, country or park you've always wanted to visit. Log miles in a community 5K, 10K, century ride or as you walk around the block!

Can I log more than 100 miles?
Yes of course. The more the better! If you plan to put in more than 100, let your sponsors know to help them decide how much money to pledge per mile. Or let them know they can give a lump sum no matter how many miles you do.

 Do you have tips for getting sponsors? Can sponsors donate online?
  • Tip: The more you know about WWP and FA, the more likely you will be to gain the support of friends, coworkers, and family members. WWP and FA  have great information for you on their websites describing their programs, the vets they help, plus videos and photos. Check them out @ www.woundedwarriorproject.org and www.freedomalliance.org
  • Tip: spread the word on your Facebook page. Let people know you are a Road Warrior and you are looking for sponsors who want to support your efforts at even 5, 10 or 20 cents a mile.
  • Tip: Another way to spread the word about your fundraising efforts for WWP is to set up a Personalized Donation Page so sponsors can donate online directly to WWP. (note: this is for Wounded Warrior Project donations only). It is essential to register as "an individual" NOT AS A TEAM. Also, Make sure you complete your personal page link with "RoadWarriors2010" to assure your donations go to RoadWarriors2010 because there is also a team called Road Warriors. (not the same as Road Warriors 2010). Click here to go to the Wounded Warrior Project registration page.
  • Tip: Start small! Your goal is to enlist one or more sponsors (the more the better) to pledge a specific amount of money per mile you complete between Memorial Day and Veteran's Day (May 31-Nov. 11, 2010). By enlisting many sponsors, you may be able to collect a substantial amount of money at a smaller pledge per mile which may be attractive to many people during our tough economic environment.
What is the relationship between Road Warriors 2010, WWP and FA?
WWP and FA have officially approved this fundraiser, provided fundraising guidelines, and placed ROAD WARRIORS 2010  on their calendar of events. Their names and logos are used with permission.  Road Warriors 2010 is fully responsible for the fulfillment of the fundraiser and receives no financial support from either WWP or FA.  

What if my employer wants to make a matching donation?
Matching donations are gratefully accepted! Your employer will probably want to know that WWP and FA are 501(c)3 organizations. They may also need the Tax ID numbers:  Freedom Alliance Tax ID # 54-1411430 and the Wounded Warrior Project Tax ID # 20-2370934. This information is also available at www.woundedwarriorproject.org and www.freedomalliance.org