Monday, May 31, 2021

Memorial Day 2021: Remembering Gary Meyer

 I didn't have an idea of what my Memorial Day would be about until I took a walk through Kottinger Park past the Memorial for the first person from Pleasanton to lose his life in Vietnam. The Memorial is just 200-300 yards from my house. I walk by it every time I take a walk in the park. The Memorial to Gary Meyer. The guy. Our guy. Our Pleasanton hero. Does anyone remember him? We all do when we walk by the Memorial placed there on Memorial Day 1969. I knelt down there tonight and thanked our Vets for putting up the Memorial. I thanked the person who remembered to put a little flag tethered to a beer can on top of the brick memorial to Gary. Someone took the time to do that. I love that. Who was it? I don't know but it made a difference in my life. thank you to that someone and thank you forever to Gary. How I wish you were still here. I graduated high school in 1969. I am still here. Thanks in part to you. God bless and keep you Gary.