Wednesday, December 5, 2018

41 Laid To Rest

National Cathedral Funeral Ceremony for George Bush, 41st President of the United States
Today the nation watched a great and loving man, a World War 11 veteran, receive a beautifully respectful "Goodbye" ..a send off to the place where there is no need for sun to shine, for the Lord is the light.

He was our 41st President, George Herbert Walker Bush. A man I never knew had been a war hero. I never heard the story of how at age 19 or 20, he was piloting a WWII bomber that was shot down in the Pacific in 1944. He was the only survivor. The story was told at his funeral today by his presidential historian. When his plane was hit, he told his crew to "run for the silk". They parachuted out, then he followed, hitting his head on the tail of the plane as the wind threw him backwards. Splashing hard and deep into the water, salt burning his cuts, somehow he made it into a raft and started drifting toward a small occupied island. Suddenly a submarine came to the surface. He thought it was surely Japanese and that he was a goner or captured prisoner. But no. It was an American submarine. How could this be? He was rescued. He was alive. And now he wondered why, "Why me?" We heard he asked this question for the rest of his life.

Another thing I did not know about 41 was that he knew and loved his Heavenly Father and leaned on him daily and shared the love of God to everyone he knew...because he had no choice. It just came out of him. In listening to the stories of his life and how he touched so many, reaching out to lift up those who hurt, how he always had deep, close friends near him, friends who said he had changed their lives...I thought that even in death, he is changing peoples' lives. The call to Americans from the many eulogies we heard was this: to love God and to love others as He loves us. Americans heard the message that George Bush had a mother who taught him not to hate because hatred only corrupts the vessel it occupies. America needed to hear this message of hope and love today. I cannot imagine any person who didn't reflect on their own lives, the way they interact with others and what if any legacy they will be leaving behind. A legacy of love simply beats anything because it never dies. I felt so fortunate to have been able to watch the funeral from start to finish. Now George Bush is at home with his bride Barbara and his little daughter Robin again.

The choir was so beautiful and I loved this song, sung my the young children in the choir: The King of Love my Shepard is. It is one person's interpretation of the 23rd Psalm.

The king of love my shepherd is,

Whose goodness faileth never;
I nothing lack if I am his
And he is mine for ever.

Where streams of living water flow
My ransomed soul he leadeth,
And where the verdant pastures grow
With food celestial feedeth.

Perverse and foolish oft I strayed,
But yet in love he sought me,
And on his shoulder gently laid,
And home rejoicing brought me.

In death's dark vale I fear no I'll
With thee, dear Lord, beside me;
Thy rod and staff my comfort still,
Thy cross before to guide me.

Thou spread'st a table in my sight;
Thy unction grace bestoweth;
And O what transport of delight
From thy pure chalice floweth!

And so through all the length of days
Thy goodness faileth never:
Good shepherd, may I sing thy praise
Within thy house for ever.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

9/11/2018 Remembering Flight 93

This morning, the President spoke in remembrance of those 40 individuals who fought for their lives and our lives on Flight 93. The plane, hijacked by 4 terrorists, went down near Shanksville, PA on September 11, 2001, but not after a valiant fight 
by passengers and crew to retake control of the airplane and prevent it from hitting the White House.
The memorial built there is beautiful, solemn, and fitting.

Never forget.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Planning Our Red, White and You Gala

So our first ever Red, White and You Gala is being planned for September 22, 2018!
A lot to do but enjoying it all especially making and handing out our invitations.
Click link to buy your tickets

The Independent newspaper in Livermore put out this press release for us.

Purchase tickets by clicking on this link

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

One Nation, Under God, Indivisible

It's Independence Day, July 4th 2018. 

I am happy today and grateful to be living in America, in Pleasanton, working in my garden and thinking of those who have come before me, worked before me, to help me enjoy this freedom. 

Dave and I went to a concert by John McCutcheon on Sunday. He is a folk singer and instrumentalist extraordinaire. His words and stories made me embarrassed that I even listen to the roiling that goes on in the media about discord when in fact we should all be "laser focused" on loving each other and valuing each other as gifts from above. We are. His gifts to each other. We can only love as much as we know we are loved. And thanks to Jesus...we are SO loved that he gave his life that we might live, abundantly. Sounds like our fighting men and women. Giving their lives so we can have life.

So I am going to try to see the world and people as God sees them through my eyes. And look forward to being a blessing and not a curse.

Happy 4th of July to every American, at home and away, devoted to the prospect of freedom and being united for one live under the banner of love.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Valentine's Fundraising Fun!

We raised $370 for Pleasanton Military Families' care package program last month...that's enough to fill and mail 8 boxes. The weather was pretty chilly but it still felt good to be out with my cards, flowers and jewelry as a way to let 
people know about PMF and raise some funds.

At one of the homecomings last year, PMF members asked me if I was interested in making jewelry. Yes, I was! Well they had a bunch of beads and supplies they weren't using anymore do they gave them to me to see what I could come up with. I'm hooked! I thought it would be fun to sell them to raise money for PMF. Dirk Christiansen from Studio Seven Arts let me set up shop outside his store.

I love this necklace...those are crepe paper flowers I made a while ago.

Every piece of jewelry had a heart in it. I got this idea from one of the ladies who stopped by our booth at First Wednesday last year. She said she wished she had a bracelet to remember a military member so she could pray for him/her and keep them in her heart all the time, not just once a year.

That's the "be mine" bracelet in the center.